Thursday, 28 February 2013

Collaborative Writing

For a bit of fun try this collaborative writing tool from Google. You can write a few words and then a famous writer joins in, writing with you in their own style.  They might change or delete your words using their own style.  They might add an adjective or change a verb and your completed work may have additions from many authors such as Edgar Allan Poe, Dickens and Shakespeare, colour coded, so you know who has intervened!

Thursday, 14 February 2013

Skills for learning, life and work.

Bloom's taxonomy
Morag McGinlay has made a video on skills for learning. life and work, showing an exemplification of skills progression relating to the Es and Os of aspects of Health and Wellbeing.

The Scottish Government published Building the Curriculum 4: Skills for Learning, Skills for Life and Skills for Work in 2009. This document is the fourth in the series of Curriculum for Excellence guidance documents and is aimed at all those who support children and young people in developing skills for learning, life and work. It sets out key messages about how children and young people develop and apply skills as part of Curriculum for Excellence and shows how skills for learning, life and work are embedded across the curriculum, both through the Experiences and Outcomes and in the senior phase of learning.

Larry Ferlazzo has published a list of the best resources for helping teachers use Bloom's Taxonomy in the classroom.