Many years ago when we first got the internet in school I used to put a website of the week on the staffroom noticeboard.
Nowadays when I find a new website I post it to
del.icio.us and add it to the
school website and then promptly forget about most of them!
I thought I would start this blog in order to highlight the best websites I find so that perhaps others in the staffroom can try them out too and perhaps highlight some of their own favourites.
To start off this week, I am posting a flashcard website that I have found useful for French
vocabulary , but if you look at the
website you will find other ideas such as tables, flags, spelling, etc – anything that you might learn from using flashcards. Good for using with a whiteboard too.
You can make your flashcards and put a link to them onto your class webpage. Let me know by clicking in the comments box below if you get a chance to use it, as maybe others can use your flashcards too!